Magneko! Our Blog

This is a blog to document Ben, Nolan, Hai, and Willie’s capstone project.

Elevator Pitch

Magneko is a 2D cooperative platformer where two magnetically augmented cats must repel, attract to return to climb back up the surface.


We want to try our take at a puzzle game that involved a challenging set of puzzle mechanics, that also involved an engaging social aspect. We wanted players struggle, think, and triumph together all while challenging their teamwork and mechanical skills.

We will be using Unity to make the game, bringing in assets made from Logic, Photoshop, Animate, and Procreate. Our audience is social or “couch-co-op” gamers who are interested in puzzle games. The game will be played by two people on PC using Xbox or PS4 controllers.


The core mechanic idea that we chose to work with was the idea of magnetism. To explore this mechanic and help us decide which direction to go, we did paper and Unity prototypes. We first sketched out what we thought some levels could look like:

We then took our individual ideas and created simple Unity prototypes:






  • You are a monster or creature that fell down a mineshaft and you want to get out. 
  • Somehow you gained the ability to control magnets.
  • Lean into fictional and cartoony vibe


  • Hand-drawn
  • Foreground/interactable objects have outline
  • Background elements will not have outline

Our artist, Hai, also made some sweet concept art!


Published by B

I am a human who breathes air like you do. As I breathe air, I sometimes do other things with my body and mind. These activities are not limited to typography, graphic design, creative coding, game dev, and baking.

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